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Independent Workplace Investigations

Murray Plumb & Murray has extensive workplace investigation expertise and has provided investigation services to employers in many industries, including educational institutions, daycare centers, group homes, municipalities, nonprofit organizations, factories, waste management, hotels, restaurants, law firms, court systems, and law enforcement.

We have substantial experience investigating sexual harassment claims, discrimination claims, wrongful discharge claims, supervisor or coworker bullying, and other employee relations concerns, allegations of misconduct (such as theft of company property), and many other workplace issues.

Workplace investigations that are well done can help employers avoid litigation. Employees often see a neutral investigator as a sign that the employer is taking the matter seriously and the process may satisfy their goals and expectations. If litigation cannot be avoided, an investigation that is done property can serve as a defense to employment claims whereas an investigation that is done improperly can increase the risk of legal exposure for employers.

Our investigators provide a prompt, unbiased, and thorough investigation and an oral and/or written report, at the election of the employer. This allows the employer’s decision makers to consider the information gathered before deciding to take any action. In addition to describing the investigation process and the facts and evidence gathered, employers often ask that our reports include credibility determinations, analysis of whether laws or policies were violated, and recommendations.

Sometimes it is appropriate and sufficient for an employer to conduct an investigation in-house, but certain circumstances warrant hiring an outside investigator. Employers should consider hiring an outside investigator in the following situations:

  • There are allegations of misconduct by high-level employees, such as the CEO, Executive Director, or an owner
  • The allegations involve sensitive or egregious matters, such as sexual harassment, discrimination, retaliation, whistleblowing, theft, assault/battery
  • Multiple employees have complained or reported the same person or issues
  • There are allegations of widespread or systemic discrimination or harassment 
  • There are risks of adverse publicity or significant financial or legal exposure due to the nature of the allegations
  • The employer does not have an in-house person with the expertise or the time to conduct the investigation properly, or they are too close to the situation to be or appear to be impartial